Home Cold Water Therapy

Cold Water Therapy

Ice Bath Therapy

Take control of your mind and body.

Say no to saying NO.

CCWI (controlled cold water immersion)

By far the most dominant benefit of cold therapy is the ability to overcome your mindset NOT to do it.

Working with an instructor, explaining and talking you through the process. Experience higher levels of mental control over your physical form and the many benefits this brings.

One session will leave you buzzing, you will experience an amazing rush and if you have never done this before you will IMMEDIATELY feel pretty impressed with yourself.

Each session is 150 seconds full body immersion.

If you can master this it unlocks powerful psychological and physical performance dynamics.

Breath control.

Increase mental strength.

Can do Will do. Did it.

Reduce, control, eliminate, stress, anxiety, depression.

Increase calmness and performance under pressure.

Increase overall physical capability.

Muscular rehabilitation.

Inflammation elimination.

Immune system boost.

Liver wellness.

There is nothing negative about controlled CCWI ( controlled cold water immersion) not even being cold.