Home The Unfit

The Unfit

I meet many people that feel they are somehow below the required level of fitness needed to start working with a personal trainer.

“You will kill me!”

This seems to be a standard statement.

As full time professional PT’s “killing” people is not good for business.

By far the biggest demographic of people we train come from blanket sedentary lifestyles which include over indulgence in areas of food, alcohol and lack of effective movement.

“I don’t eat much” “I walk the dog” “I don’t have time” “I used to be fit” “I go to the gym” “ I bought a push bike”

My job as your personal trainer is to fully understand your goal, look at your lifestyle and be aware of all relevant medical details, gather body statistics and real time current physical & mental performance levels.

I treat you just like I treat any of the athletes I train, you are what I call a “domestic” athlete, you win EVERY time you complete a session and the gold medal comes in the knowledge that health and fitness should be compulsory and like dogs is for life not just for Christmas.

THE FIT                      HOW DOES IT WORK